The medium of
crucial relationships™
Hang on. Imaginations are only beginning to percolate with endless possibilities.
Who knows where we'll go and what we'll solve, together, with Relamatics.
Relamatics is a synthesis of four dimensions of value for each party:
- Guiding structure - Periodic illumination - Impartiality - Empowerment
Still a little mysterious? Confusing? Weird?
Remember your first impressions when other (now) big things were (then) only embryos?
We believe Relamatics is a big idea that could ultimately make a big difference in organizations, lives
and societies (we believe there may be "a few" relationships that could benefit from a "helpful medium").
So don't fret about being confused, again. We'll be doing more, and sharing more, soon.
Master the messy! ™
For more information about Relamatics contact us here
General Innovation News, Thoughts & Opinions
Foraging About Work, Careers, Supervision, Talent Stewardship and Leadership
Relamatics: invented, developed and supported for you,
and for those with whom you must relate, with excellence.
At this point you can accurately conclude that what
… contracts, performance reviews, surveys, meetings, memos, e-mails, social media (etc. etc.)
… Facebook, Twitter, IBM, Microsoft, Salesforce, Gallup, SAS, McKinsey (etc. etc.)
… biz schools, psychologists, coaches, counselors, consultants, (etc. etc.)
don't do, we do, for you (and the "other party" too).
Made possible by blending good science and purpose
with sweat, debt, worry, years, luck, friends, tenacity, tears, beers, fears,
extensive research, experiments, failures and successes, relentless innovation,
golden client input, paddling the rapids of information technology,
excessively deferred gratification … and a few true-blue, persevering believers.
Relations Research 2012 All rights reserved